How are Musicians Like Athletes

How Are Musicians Like Athletes?

I started off playing the drums in 10th grade, and shortly after picked up the bass and electric guitar. The bass was borrowed from a friend, and another sold me his old electric guitar, a Mexican Fender Stratocaster, for dirt cheap. I've played casually ever since. Since becoming a chiropractor, my interest in music has afforded me the amazing opportunity to go on the road and treat touring musicians. Those were some of the most fun experiences I've had in…

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Woman being treated for a common sports injury

Five Most Common Sports Injuries We Treat

It's no secret that my favorite types of cases to work on are sports injuries. Sports injuries are what got me interested in becoming a chiropractor in the first place. They're a change of pace from the more traditional neck and low back pain cases I see each day, and usually involve joints outside the spine. Here in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter, we have a huge variety of athletes due to our ability to train outdoors year round. Therefore,…

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What to do after a car accident

What to Do After a Car Accident

South Florida is known for its notoriously bad drivers. Sooner or later you may get into a car accident. Hopefully, it will just be a minor fender-bender without any injuries. In either case, you need to be prepared for how to handle the situation before it arises. It's common to feel overwhelmed and anxious immediately following a car accident. After it happens is not the time to figure out what to do! Follow our guide on best practices for what…

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Woman hanging from inversion table in a gym

Are Inversion Tables Safe to Use?

"So Doc, I was at work yesterday and my buddy told me he got an inversion table. He's been using it every night and says his back is feeling great! What's the deal? Are these things safe to use?" Lots more patients are asking about inversion tables and if I think it can help them. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry. We're going to dive into what exactly inversion tables are, what they are used…

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Women in a yoga class practicing breathing technique

You’re Probably Breathing Wrong

Breathing is the most fundamental functions of the human body (and non-human bodies too). We've been doing it thousands of times a day, every day, non-stop, since birth. What if I told you that you've been breathing wrong for most of your life? It kind of makes sense, right? You have to figure out how to do it the moment you are born, and then you keep doing it like that for the rest of your life. You're 10 minutes…

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Man lifting dumbbell in a suit

Can You Get Stronger in 3 Seconds a Day?

Recently, a team published a research study that includes studying the shortest workout of all time. Both men and women were ask to flex their arms as hard as they could for 3 seconds. After a month, their biceps were 12% stronger. Pretty astonishing, huh? This lends more evidence that even little amounts of exercise have benefits compared to none at all. There have been previous studies that explore short bursts of exercise, but they mostly discuss cardiovascular activity. Biking…

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The 5 B's of Becoming a Better Runner Video

The 5 B’s of Becoming a Better Runner

Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, the 5 B's of becoming a better runner are important for all running athletes to remember. These tips will help you run more efficiently, run faster, and enjoy it more. Don't miss the video at the end of the article, or click here to watch it now on YouTube. Belly Do you have good abdominal strength and control? We are talking more specifically about abdominal control especially below the belly button.…

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A butterfly going through three phases of metamorphosis

Three Phases of Care

One of the most common questions patients have is, "how long will it take to get better?" This depends on your goals. For most people, their goal is simply to get out of pain as quickly as possible, and that's our main goal too. For others, their goals go beyond simply pain reduction, because they want to improve the quality and function of their life. They may want to play with their grand-kids, exercise without discomfort, or return to playing…

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Airplane flying above the clouds at dusk

Flying with Back Pain

As the holidays approach, some of you may be choosing to travel by plane to visit family. An estimated 6 million Floridians will be traveling by plane this holiday season. And, as we've discussed in the past, as much as 80% of Americans experience back pain at some point. Over half experience it every year. It's a growing number, and one of the major contributors to this problem is an increase in sedentary lifestyles. The center of a Venn diagram…

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Doctor pointing to a spine next to an x-ray

Is Chiropractic Safe After Spine Surgery?

Sorry to ruin the suspense, but for those of you who like instant gratification: the short answer is "yes." The fact is that 80% of the population will experience low back pain at some point in their life. Some amount of those will go on to get spine surgery. Out of those, more than half will experience the same type of back pain that caused them to get surgery within less than 6 months! Furthermore, recent studies showed that rehabilitation…

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